Những câu trích dẫn hay nhất về lời cảm ơn - thank you quotes
Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024
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Những câu trích dẫn hay nhất về lời cảm ơn – thank you quotes

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Cảm ơn thể hiện lòng biết ơn và sự tôn trọng dành cho người được nhận. Có những lời cảm ơn sâu sắc và thú vị được nhiều người yêu thích trở nên phổ biến. Cùng elight khám phá những câu trích dẫn thú vị nhất về lời cảm ơn – thank you quotes nhé.

1 – Cảm ơn chúa – Thank you quotes to God

  • Dear God! Thanks for this beautiful life and forgive me if sometimes it seems as if I don’t love it enough. 
  • Don’t worry, God is never blind to your tears, never deaf to your prayers, and never silent to your pains. He sees, he hears and he will deliver.
  • Look back and thank God. Look forward and trust God. He closes doors no one can open and he opens doors no one can close.
  • God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with
  • Dear God, I will never be able to thank you enough for always being there for me.
  • Sometimes I just look up, smile and say “I know that was you, God! Thanks!”
  • Never lose hope, just when you think it is over, God sends you a miracle.
  • God, I can’t say it in words…Can you please just listen through my heart.
  • Thank you God for always answering my prayers, not always the way I want or expect, but always for my benefit. Your timing is perfect and I have trust & faith in you.
  • You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don’t let others make you forget that.
  • Dear God, today I woke up. I’m healthy. I’m alive. I’m blessed. I apologize for all my complaining. I’m truly grateful for all you have done in my life.
  • I find joy in every day, not because life is always good, but because God is.
  • Thank you! God! For your rivers of love that flows towards me.
  • It’s really nice to wake up in the morning realizing that God has given me another day to live. Thank you God.

ĐỌC THÊM Buddha Quotes – Lời phật dạy

2 – Cảm ơn thầy cô giáo – Thank you quotes for teacher

  • If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.
  • Teacher is a superhuman individual capable of producing miracles every single day.
  • Teachers like you are one in a million. Thank you so much!
  • Students work hardest  for teachers they like and respect. When I’m asked “How do you get the students to like and respect me?” my immediate response is “like and respect them first”
  • In this classroom… We do second chances, we apologize, we forgive, we respect each other, we keep our promises, we never give up, we encourage one another, we laugh often, we belong.. we are a family.
  • In this classroom… We respect others, we work quietly, we follow directions, we are prepared to learn, we never give up, we raise our hand, we do our best, we say please and thank you, we use kind words, we help each other, we tell the truth, we have fun!
  • When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not to join their chaos
  • Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy
  • I may not say it always, but I mean it whenever I say it. Thank you teacher or all the things you have done for me.
  • To a special teacher. When I started in school, this day seemed so fat away. Now it’s here and I can’t believe that time has passed so quickly… But through your encouragement and guidance I feel I’m ready for tomorrow’s challenges. Teachers play such an important part in shaping and guiding.. Especially teachers like you. Thank you for caring so much.
  • A name reserved for those who teach so other minds can grow. A dedication to the pursuit of knowledge they share what they know. Their educated minds like an open book as they encourage others to read. Hoping that the growth will continue if they successfully plant the seed. Their priceless wealth of knowledge is there for all who wish to learn. By instilling an appreciation and love for learning, our gratitude is what they earn.
  • Everything is about energy. The way you feel around certain people will tell you if this connection needs to be stopped or not
  • The best teachers are those who teach us where to look but what to see.
  • To teach is to touch lives forever.
  • Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor and light.
  • A teacher plants the seeds of knowledge, sprinkles them with love and patiently nurtures their growth to produce tomorrow’s dreams.
  • Not every teacher deserves to be called one because that title is reserved for great ones like you.
  • You are a teacher I will never forget. You gave me wings and you believed in me! Thank you!
  • We get so worried about being “pretty”. Let’s be pretty KIND, pretty FUNNY, pretty SMART, pretty STRONG.

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